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Falix - Minecraft Servers, VPS Hosting & more

Unlock the true potential of your gaming experience with Falix. Experience from free Minecraft server hosting to unparalleled performance with Premium Plans & VPS Hosting. Choice is yours.

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Complete Control Over Your Free Minecraft Server Experience

Harness the ultimate power to shape your Minecraft world with Falix. Take charge of your destiny, with total customization and seamless management at your fingertips

Free Minecraft Server Console

File Management

Effortless File Management with Falix: Organize, upload, and manage your Minecraft files with ease. Our user-friendly interface empowers you to effortlessly handle plugins, mods, and world data. Stay organized and in control, creating a seamless Minecraft experience for you and your fellow players

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Collaboration with User Share

Manage your Minecraft Server together with your team, friends, and more by just adding them to your Free Minecraft Server as an administrator while controlling what privileges they have.

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Access Sharing
Minecraft Addons

Limitless Creativity with Mods and Plugins

Transform your Free Minecraft Server into a playground of endless possibilities with Falix. Access a vast library of mods and plugins to customize your gameplay, from exciting new features to breathtaking visual enhancements

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$6,50/mo €5,99/mo £5,14/mo Purchase


$8,70/mo €7,99/mo £6,84/mo Purchase



$13,03/mo €11,99/mo £10,25/mo Purchase


$17,37/mo €15,99/mo £13,66/mo Purchase


$26,06/mo €23,99/mo £20,49/mo Purchase


$34,75/mo €31,99/mo £27,33/mo Purchase
Cashback after 3 months* 10% Cashback 10% Cashback 10% Cashback 10% Cashback 10% Cashback 10% Cashback
Server Slots* 3
Dedicated CPU Power Coverage*
Dedicated Memory Coverage*
Dedicated Disk Coverage*
CPU Power (each server) 2 CPU Threads @ 5.60 GHz* 3 CPU Threads @ 5.60 GHz* 3 CPU Threads @ 5.60 GHz* 4 CPU Threads @ 5.60 GHz* 5 CPU Threads @ 5.60 GHz* 6 CPU Threads @ 5.60 GHz*
Memory 3.5GB 5GB 7.5GB 10GB 15GB 20GB
Disk Storage* 50GB
Backups* 5 Backups
Databases* 5 Databases
Ports* 5 Extra Ports
Dedicated Hardware*
No Ads
No Activity Check
24/7 Online
Performance Boost Guaranteed*
Priority Support Limited

Need something more powerful? Try Ultimate Plan.

8 CPU Threads, 40GB RAM, Unmetered storage & more


* - Terms of service applies

Prices includes VAT or similar sales tax. Currency conversion is not real time updated and may mismatch of what is shown previously. Recorded in 16/08/2023